Tuesday, December 16, 2008

FEDs Cut Rate between ZIP & a Quarta'!

In their continued effort to help revive the economy off life support, the feds have cut the overnight fed funds rate between banks to zero/.25%. This is a historic low, the previous being set was 1%. The way this is to work is for banks to eventually pass the discounted rate onto the consumer & business loans they make to the general public. *Problem is, many rates are as low as they are willing to go in some circumstances. This is to help loosen available money, lower rates charged and hopefully encourage the circulation of money via spending, in other words they need people to un-stitch their wallets, polish their atm cards (credit cards preferred) and BUY BUY BUY! HURRY UP AND BUY! *My opinion is this: The abrupt and severe collapse of the credit system the past year calls for complete reform, reform of capitalistic America as a whole. Some of you might be *eeewed away by this statement or confused, but I sincerely mean it, we can't go back to the old spending habits (for awhile), that's only going to prolong the inevitable, the system has flaws, please fucking change it. I see this as one of the last tricks in the bag from the Feds, hopefully it works. Biggie's song Mo' money Mo' problems never seemed so relevant, '09 show me the money - cheers the hot revolver. Photobucket


eyecheckmateyou said...

i may sound like a noob but is there anyway to pause the music? espeically for those who are at work? :)

eyecheckmateyou said...

never mind i see it. it's tiny, but it's located on the far right hand side of the player. thanks


changed the skin, for easier control bar! haha .