Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Look...Obama = great, ignoring the facts? = not so great.

*tick tick tick ... for wallstreet to ACT like brighter days are just around the corner, they might want to ask how f*cking long of a block we're strolling down in order get there! Look, I hate sounding bitter and so ghad damn beary, but there is nothing but a continued storm of horrible news yet the markets give this oscar worthy performance going into the new year. It will only take a few more BK filings or trails of tears to washington, and we will face the music head on. I hope I am wrong, but if I'm not .... refer to the pic below. I'm keeping a close eye on these retailers, and ears open to foreign policies. Don't forget, we are BULLYbank not BEARYbank so I would welcome a complete market turnaround, but I don't welcome falsehood and bullsh*t bear market rallies who only set traps for dumby bulls. My investments against verizon weren't the best moves of my investor career, but I am holding the dec. puts. I am still looking to buy more UBS puts at the right price, and RIMM, ANF are indeed on the radar. *cheers - the hot revolver.

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