Friday, November 7, 2008


Hello to YOU, the reader. First off, thanks for your interest in checking out our blog here with BullyBank. THIS IS THE ALPHA VERSION UNTIL OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE (underconstruction) IS RELEASED to be est. 2009. The Bullies here are some real average joes who happen to have complete faith (and b*llz) to invest their money in the stock market during what has been coined the biggest'economic crisis' of our lifetime. With a combined investing experience of over 12 years, I've personally had my money active during the dot com era, the dot com bust, the mid 2000s rally all the way to the current turbulent bear market, yes we said it BEAR MARKET. I've seen my portfolio flourish and plummet at the same extremes. BULLYBANK will be a place where we will be sharing our ideas, opinions and ultimately our real life decisions of where we are placing our mulah today, in hopes to turn it into some real capital gains! In other words, we're putting our money where our mouth is! Will we make any money? will we make millions? or will we end up losing it all and become professional sharpy on cardboard editors? You'll have to be the spectator as we begin this real life journey! - Jotti the hot revolver

Photobucket( Jotti, original Bully seen here in full business attire )

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