Monday, November 10, 2008

OUCH! ...GM, F, Circuit City Short Circuits! (pun intended)

I guess the pressure was too much to bare over the weekend as CC has filed for bankrupty this morning! the good news for me? I only owned a puny 1000 shares making my loss $250. I had put a limit order to buy 2000 but only 1000 shares went through (applause). It was a gamble that I lost, the company did too little too late. moving on. GM, as every day passes with no word from our govt. in stepping in to assist the shriveling automaker sector...GM is down 30% this morning, making it a $3 stock with almost no confidence from analyst abroad. I would stay away from this stock because of the uncertainty and the dependency on the GOVERNMENT, who is unpredictable. Remember, the U.S needs to avoid having to print dollars just to save some of these sectors. Of course if GM folds, we are talking easily half a million jobs in the long run (if not more) but again, even if the govt. decides to step in to assist, this doesn't mean it will help the stock stabilize. (think AIG, WB) Not worth the risk at the moment. Photobucket

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