Friday, November 14, 2008

Notes on This Morning

Market opened down about 10 points, we're down 27 on the S&P right now. I took full advantage of yesterdays rally by buying AXP NOV 17.5 Puts and this morning I bought DRYS NOV 7.5 Puts. The news out this morning was gloomy but not overly surprising. Nokia says handsets sales are going to plummet - people aren't buying cell phones? - no shit.

Citi is going to fire more people, what they need to do is fire Vikram (I hate to say that but it's true) and shrink the company even further. And poor poor retail sales, this stuff is pretty self-explanatory.

Hank Paulson goes live in 3 hours and 18 minutes (thanks CNBC!) and if he continues letting us all down, I'll update later with an awesome blasting of Hanky.

Alright guys, last trading day of the week. Lets do this!

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