Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is there any soul left in solars???

**UPDATE 12:30PM** I am dancing and playing with fire, just bought 10 NOV. 5 calls and 15 NOV. 10 calls for SOL / CSIQ respectively. I'm using part of the profit made from the YHOO trade earlier this week. The prices on companies like JASO, SOL, CSIQ... Photobucket them hedgies DUMPED big today. Photobucket


ryan said...

Don't you think solar is more of a long-term play..? Nov Calls expire on the 21st.

Guess your hoping for a short-term pop and want to own some good names.

Good luck.


indeed in for a short term pop it was in anticipation goin into the g20 meeting and a gm plan...solars bounce / drop on high %s...yeah a bit of a gamble but not without reason.